Entity [object]

The Entity command takes an object and maps it into a Record. This turned out to be a common pattern in how I was trying to use the Record.

$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
    First = 'Kevin'
    Last = 'Marquette'
    Age = 37

Graph {
    Entity $object
} | Show-PSGraph

An entity showing a PSCustomObject

Entity [object] -Show [enum]

I provide 3 different views of the object with the -Show parameter. Here are the possible options.

  • Name - Property name
  • TypeName - Name and value type
  • Value - Name and value

Here is the same object showing the values.

Graph {
    Entity $object -Name 'Person' -Show Value
} | Show-PSGraph

An entity showing the object values

The entity will automatically name each row with the property name. This will allow you to draw edges directly to them. I have a more complex example at the end of this article that shows this in action.

Entity [object] -Name [string]

If you have a small collection of objects that you want to place on a graph, make sure you give each one a custom name.

$servers = Import-CSV .\myservers.csv

Graph {
    $servers | ForEach-Object {
        Entity $PSItem -Name $PSItem.ComputerName

Entity [object] -Property [string[]]

The -Property parameter allows for easy filtering of the properties that you want to display.

Entity $Server -Property ComputerName, CPU, Memory, IP, Location