
This is the command that executes the GraphViz engine to generate the DOT formated syntax into an image.

Common usage

Here are the common ways to use this command.

Process a .dot or .gv file

If you have an existing text file in the DOT format, you can pass it to Export-PSGraph to generate the resulting image.

$files | Export-PSGraph
Export-PSGraph -Source $files

This will create a new png file next to the existing file by default.

Processing a text stream

Instead of saving your graphs to files first, you can pipe them directly to the Export-Graph command.

graph g {
    edge a,b,c,d,a
} | Export-PSGraph -DestinationPath $path

Because there is no source file, you need to provide a destination path. If none is provided, it will save it ot the $env:temp folder under a random name.



Specifying this will auto open the resulting file in the default viewer for that file type. I use this a lot when designing a graph to quickly see the result.

-Source [string]

This is the input source to be exported. It can either be a list of file paths to process or text representation of a graph to be processes by the GraphViz engine.

-DestinationPath [string]

The location to save the file. If not specified, it will either save next to the original file or to the $env:temp folder.


This is the output filetype that is generated. The default value is *.png. If the -DestinationPath specifies a format in the name then that will be used instead.

These are the valid options for output formats:

  • png (default)
  • jpg
  • gif
  • imap
  • cmapx
  • jp2
  • json
  • pdf
  • plain
  • dot

-LayoutEngine [enum]

GraphViz supports multiple layout engines. Each work better on different types of datasets.

These are the available engines:

  • Hierarchical (Default)
  • Radial
  • Circular
  • SpringModelSmall
  • SpringModelMedium
  • SpringModelLarge